4 Common Myths About Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is a great way to relieve soreness in your body, loosen tight muscles, and relax. Despite these benefits and more, there are still some common myths about massage that continue to circulate. In today’s post, we’ll take a look at four of them and show you what makes them myths.
At La Experience Thai & Swedish Massage in San Antonio, we offer a variety of massage therapy options to help you find the relaxation and relief you need. Contact us today to schedule your massage therapy appointment.

Massage therapy is a great way to relieve soreness in your body, loosen tight muscles, and relax. Despite these benefits and more, there are still some common myths about massage that continue to circulate. In today’s post, we’ll take a look at four of them and show you what makes them myths.
At La Experience Thai & Swedish Massage in San Antonio, we offer a variety of massage therapy options to help you find the relaxation and relief you need. Contact us today to schedule your massage therapy appointment.

Myth #3 Massage Releases Toxins
If you ever had a massage, then you’ve probably heard that it releases toxins (lactic acid) into your bloodstream, which means that you need to drink at least eight ounces of water after your appointment. While a hydrated body is better than a dehydrated body, there’s no reason to believe that massage therapy releases lactic acids. In fact, studies indicate that massage therapy actually inhibits the release of lactic acid.
Regardless of what you think about this myth, it’s always a great idea to drink water, so the next time you leave your massage appointment and the massage therapist reminds you to drink a bottle of water, make sure to follow directions!
Myth #4 Massage Can Spread Cancer Cells
For some reason, this myth continues to be spread, even though there is no evidence to suggest that there is a shred of truth to the statement. Neither is there evidence that massage therapy can treat cancer. Massage therapy can, however, provide a number of benefits for cancer patients, including a reduction of stress, anxiety, pain, fatigue, and depression.
We hope that our post on four common myths about massage therapy was helpful and provided the information that you’ve been looking for. If you’re ready to schedule a massage therapy appointment and reap some of the benefits for yourself, then please contact La Experience Thai & Swedish Massage in San Antonio today to book your appointment.